Mechanics is generally taken to mean the study of the motion of objects (or
their lack of motion) under the action of given forces. Classical mechanics is
sometimes considered a branch of applied mathematics. It consists of kinematics, the description of motion, and dynamics, the study of the action of forces in producing
either motion or static equilibrium (the latter constituting the science of statics). The 20th-century subjects of quantum mechanics, crucial to treating the
structure of matter, subatomic particles, superfluidity, superconductivity, neutron stars, and other major phenomena, and relativistic
mechanics, important
when speeds approach that of light, are forms of mechanics that will be
discussed later in this section.
In classical mechanics the laws are initially formulated for point
particles in which the dimensions, shapes, and other intrinsic properties of bodies are ignored. Thus in
the first approximation even objects as large as Earth and the Sun are treated as pointlike—e.g., in
calculating planetary orbital motion. In rigid-body dynamics, the extension of bodies and their mass
distributions are considered as well, but they are imagined to be incapable
of deformation. The mechanics of deformable solids is elasticity; hydrostatics and hydrodynamics treat, respectively, fluids at rest and in
The three laws of motion set forth by Isaac Newton form the foundation of classical
mechanics, together with the recognition that forces are directed quantities (vectors) and combine accordingly. The first law, also
called the law of inertia, states that, unless acted upon by an
external force, an object at rest remains at rest, or if in
motion, it continues to move in a straight line with constant speed. Uniform motion therefore does not require a
cause. Accordingly, mechanics concentrates not on motion as such but on the
change in the state of motion of an object that results from the net force acting upon it. Newton’s second law
equates the net force on an object to the rate of change of its momentum, the
latter being the product of the mass of a body and its velocity. Newton’s third
law, that of action and reaction, states that when two particles interact, the
forces each exerts on the other are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction. Taken together, these mechanical laws in principle
permit the determination of the future motions of a set of particles, providing
their state of motion is known at some instant, as well as the forces that act
between them and upon them from the outside. From this deterministic character
of the laws of classical mechanics, profound (and probably incorrect)
philosophical conclusions have been drawn in the past and even applied to human
Lying at the most basic level of physics, the laws of mechanics are
characterized by certain symmetry properties, as exemplified in the aforementioned symmetry between
action and reaction forces. Other symmetries, such as the invariance (i.e.,
unchanging form) of the laws under reflections and rotations carried out
in space, reversal of time, or transformation to a
different part of space or to a different epoch of time, are present both in
classical mechanics and in relativistic mechanics, and with certain
restrictions, also in quantum mechanics. The symmetry properties of the theory
can be shown to have as mathematical consequences basic principles known
as conservation laws, which assert the constancy in time of the
values of certain physical quantities under prescribed conditions. The
conserved quantities are the most important ones in physics; included among
them are mass and energy (in relativity theory, mass and energy are equivalent
and are conserved together), momentum, angular momentum, and electric charge.