вторник, 20 декабря 2022 г.


1500 AD to 1599 AD

This section shows the important events in Physics and Astronomy from 1500 AD years until 1599 AD. The names of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.

1510 Helicopter design – Leonardo da Vinci
1519-1522 Magellan sails round the world
1543 Copernican system published
1544-1603 Gilbert
1546-1601 Tycho
1560 Eclipse of the Sun
1560 First scientific society founded in Naples – Della Porta
1564-1642 Galileo
1571-1630 Kepler
1572 Supernova in Cassiopeia observed by Tycho
1576 Observatory constructed – Tycho
1576 Stars scattered through space – Thomas Digges
1580-1637 Vernier
1581 Galileo studies medicine in Pisa
1581 Pendulum theory – Galileo (?1582)
1590 g – same for lead and wax spheres – Stevin de Groot
1591 Pisa - weights dropped from the tower by Galileo (?)
1591-1626 Snell, Willebrod
1596 Mira – variable star – observed by David Fabricius
1596-1650 Descartes
1597 Air thermometer – Galileo
1598-1647 Cavalieri – lens makers formula


0 AD to 1500 AD

This section shows the important events in Physics and Astronomy from 0 AD years until 1500 AD. The names of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.

50 Cleomedes studied refraction
70-147 Ptolemy
77 Pliny – watching gladiators through an emerald
662 Arabic numerals in west – Severus Sebockt
800 School of Science founded in Baghdad
930 –1003 Gerbert - pope
965 -1038 Al Hazan
990 Pope Sylvester III labels beads in the abacus
1350 Spectacles
1450 Printing – invention of printing
1452-1519 Leonardo da Vinci
1472 Halley's comet observed – Johannes Regiomontanus
1473-1543 Copernicus
1476 Printing press - Caxton

History of Physics


History of Physics and Astronomy

Big Bang to 0 AD

This section shows the important events in Physics and Astronomy from the Big Bang until 0 AD. The names of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.

1.4x1010 years ago Big Bang
300000 years later Universe becomes dark
A billion years later Star – first one appears
4.5x109 years ago Origin of the Earth
500 000 years ago Human race appears
3400 BC Ten - use of the symbol for 10 in Egypt
2700 BC Babylonian astronomers named the constellations
2000 BC Water clocks in Mesopotamia
1400 BC Iron Smelting
900 BC Pulleys
624-547 BC Thales of Miletus
572- 492 BC Pythagoras
500-428 BC Anaxagoras
460-370 BC Democritus – idea of atoms
444 BC Empedocles- optical tentacles theory of vision
400-355 BC Eudoxus – spheres theory
427-347 BC Plato
400 BC Tortoise paradox
384-322 BC Aristotle
332 BC Alexandria founded
310 -230 BC Aristarchus – heliocentric theory
300 BC Euclid – laws of reflection of light
275-194 BC Eratosthenes – size of the Earth- 24000 miles
287-212 BC Archimedes
200 BC Hero of Alexandria
46 BC Calendar introduced by Julius Caesar